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115 E Broad Street, Quakertown, Pa #215-529-8420
Dermal Wrap Aftercare Instructions
We use a dermal wrap as an initial healing wrap on all our tattoos. What is a dermal wrap? It’s a thin medical grade adhesive wrap that creates a bacterial barrier which eliminates contamination of the tattoo area and promotes quicker healing.
If you have ONLY AN OUTLINE OR LETTERING: Keep the dermal wrap on for 12hours.

For ALL OTHER TATTOOS: Keep the dermal wrap on for 12-24 hours. Leaving the dermal wrap on for 24 hours will provide the best results as long as the tattoo continues to be producing fluid and/or is not dry.
Dermal Wrap and Exercise
We have noticed on a few clients once the dermal wrap was removed within 1-3 days a small itchy rash will develop AROUND the tattoo but not ON the tattoo itself. It tends to happen when the pores of the skin are more open, and are exposed to more of the adhesive OR if there is an allergy to the adhesive.
Therefore, we suggest removing the dermal wrap prior to any activity or exercise that will cause sweating. If a rash does occur, DO NOT SCRATCH IT, just continue to care for your tattoo as normal and wash the rash with the anti-microbial soap once daily until gone.
The only reasons for which you should remove the dermal wrap
early are as follows:
Your body is not seeping much fluid and the tattoo underneath is dry, and not moisturized by fluid.
The wrap has “Sprung a Leak", the fluid is not remaining trapped under the wrap to moisturize the tattoo and it's getting dry and irritated.
The skin underneath and/or around the tattoo appears red, raised or irritated.
The skin around the tattoo is becoming itchy while the dermal wrap is still on.
The skin around the tattoo is becoming red & feels like it's stinging/burning while the wrap is still on.
To Remove the Dermal Wrap

The best method to remove the derma wrap is in the shower. Removing the dermal wrap should be the LAST thing you do before exiting the shower. Complete all your normal shower activities and cleaning BEFORE removing the wrap.
Allow warm water to saturate around the wrap. Then
remove the wrap by gently pulling the wrap down and away from your body with the wrap and tattoo under the shower water. Slow and steady pulling will remove the wrap without damage to your skin or your tattoo. Now that your tattoo is exposed, before exiting the shower, wash your tattoo with an anti-microbial soap. Rinse the tattoo well by allowing the shower water to run over it for several minutes.
Upon exiting the shower, DO NOT dry your fresh tattoo with your towel. Use a clean piece of paper towel and gently PAT DRY your tattoo. Allow your tattoo to air dry for several minutes and then apply a thin layer of the tattoo ointment aftercare you purchased.
We have noticed on a few clients once the dermal wrap was removed within 1-3 days a small itchy rash will develop AROUND the tattoo but not ON the tattoo itself. It tends to happen when the pores of the skin are more open, and are exposed to more of the adhesive or there is an allergic reaction to the adhesive. Therefore, we suggest removing the dermal wrap prior to any activity or exercise that will cause sweating. If a rash does occur, DO NOT SCRATCH it, just continue to care for your tattoo as normal and wash the rash with the anti-microbial soap once daily until gone.
If you have any questions or concerns about the healing of your tattoo, please COME INTO the shop!
It’s helpful to see your question/concern IN PERSON, we’ll be able to more effectively help you!
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